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Solar Energy
Installateurs & Partners

1.3 MWp PV power plant with Fronius Tauro

28-9-2021 / Österreich
Fronius Tauro commercial inverter impresses with smart design

“The installation was effortless,” reports Thomas Rabensteiner, Business Development at KPV Solar. The installation company was one of the first to install the new Fronius Tauro commercial inverter. Rabensteiner adds: “The system in Carinthia was our first project with the Tauro. We are delighted with how easy it is to handle the device.”


Site with complex installation conditions

A prerequisite for the construction of the 1.3 MWp PV system was that it had to be erected on the site of the Feistritz-Ludmannsdorf run-of-river power plant. Sealing the ground was not permitted. KPV Solar was able to fully satisfy both requirements and State Councillor Sara Schaar is very pleased with the installation: “This project is a prime example of how photovoltaic systems do not have to be installed indiscriminately in the open countryside, but can also be realised in the vicinity of existing infrastructure.”

Learn more about the Fronius Tauro



» The installation was effortless! «



High design flexibility and low BOS costs with the Fronius Tauro

Flexibility was the primary focus when developing the Fronius Tauro. Various options are available in terms of both system design and usability. In Carinthia, KPV Solar chose a decentralised system design and implemented this with the Fronius Tauro Direct Option. Due to the short distance between module array and transformer, this was the most profitable and cost-efficient option. If the distance between the module array and transformer is greater, the Fronius Tauro can be installed centrally.


AC Daisy Chaining helps saving cable lenghts

In one area of this system, there was little space available in the main distribution board, which presented certain cabling challenges. This is where the Fronius Tauro scored with its uniqueness and provided the optimal solution. Using the innovative AC Daisy Chaining option, two inverters were chained together at the site. This overcame the space constraints of the transformer and also saved valuable cable lengths over longer distances.

Ease of installing the Fronius Tauro is impressive

"We have used the Tauro for the first time in this system. We were surprised at how easy the devices are to install,” reports Rabensteiner. 


The entire installation process is designed for easy handling. For example, the Tauro has practical carrying handles, making it simpler to transport to the installation site. The connection area is very spacious, making it easier to connect large cable cross-sections and integrate system components. Commissioning takes place via an app and can be carried out in three simple steps. All this leads to faster installation and therefore lower costs.

Maximum yield due to minimal power loss

On the DC side, cable cross-sections of up to 95 mm² are possible with the Fronius Tauro, while cross-sections of up to 240 mm² are possible on the AC side. These large cross-sections minimise power losses and enable higher yields. The costs of the system are therefore recovered faster.


Save BOS costs through smart hardware design

The Fronius Tauro integrates important hardware components such as the monitored type 1+2 surge protection. The connection area is generously designed and additional third-party components can be conveniently installed. KPV Solar therefore saves time during installation. In addition, external boxes or similar are no longer required for components that have to be positioned externally for devices from other manufacturers.

The most important features of the Fronius Tauro: 

Design flexibility: centralised or decentralised topology possible, large cable cross-sections
Installation flexibility: vertical or horizontal installation possible, can be installed in direct sunlight or in extreme cold (ambient temperature from -40 °C to +65 °C), dust-tight
BOS costs kept to a minimum due to large cable cross-sections, integrated system components, integrated monitoring, AC Daisy Chaining option 
Quick and easy installation with minimised risk of installation errors (large AC connection area, carrying handles, MC4 connector, etc.), commissioning via app in three simple steps 
Cost-effective service: power stage set can be exchanged by a single person in one appointment 

 System information:

System size 1.3 MWp
System type  Free-standing system at Feistritz-Ludmannsdorf run-of-river power plant 
 Fronius devices 12 Fronius Tauro Eco 100 kW, Fronius Smart Meter
Topology Decentralised
Annual yield Approx. 1,500 MWh